Half of the ladies first team arrived at Alexandra College raring to go after a few free weekends an hour before the start. The other half let Emer do directions so they are still trying to find the school.

Once we had all arrived we began our warm up. The match started with us on the back foot as Alex came at pace. After many dodgy calls against us and a bit of Sadbh’s cheek to the umpires that got us no where we conceded 3 goals in the first half.

At half time we went through the press and we all switched on and were ready to go hoping to win the second half. We started off strong and were in the attacking half a lot more. But, shortly after we got 4 short corners against us and the defensive corner team cleared all bar one which Holly and Sadbh called a great goal so it didn’t matter.

We ended the match slightly prouder than the first half as we played a lot better.

We are playing them again on Sunday in the Jacqui Potter Cup Shield with a better expectation for the scoreline. Looking forward to more tea and biscuits!


Match Report: Ladies 1s vs Old Alex, Away, 27/01/2018

Final Score: 0-4

Written By: Becky McMullen