by CommunicationsOfficer | Nov 5, 2021 | Social News
Please join us to celebrate the opening of the new pitch in Mount Temple on Saturday 13th November. Games start from 9am and the official opening with take place at 12.45pm. A lot of hard work went into making the new pitch happen and it’s great to finally be...
by ClontarfHC | Mar 28, 2018 | News, Social News
The Hockey Gods were feeling truly benevolent on Sunday and, like in the well-known Junior Certificate Irish phrase, the sun was splitting the stones. It was still cold, but we were all able to pretend that the Bull Ring was temporarily in the Bahamas. Food had been...
by ClontarfHC | Mar 7, 2018 | Ladies News, News, Social News
Clontarf Castle, mini sandwiches, bright coloured aprons and style fresh off the catwalk in Paris can only indicate one thing – the annual Time for Tea fundraiser was upon us again. Brave women from all corners of the country could not be deterred by a little...